
“Lucas Bergendahl is the Real Deal! I first saw Lucas Bergendahl on Age of Truth TV and I was totally impressed. I’m an energy healer and exorcist in practice for eleven years. Lucas was the first person I’ve listened to that validated several personal scenarios involving healing and the demonic. I already knew I was going to work with Lucas and couldn’t wait set the date. I’m currently suffering from cancer that has spread to my liver. When we connected over Skype all I could feel coming from Lucas was love, light and compassion. He helped me clear up some major childhood limiting beliefs stemming all the way back to four years of age. He helped me see and understand traumas that my ego wouldn’t allow me to see. Lucas was able to show me that some of these beliefs originated in other life times. We were only half way through the session and I was already feeling lighter from releasing the energy attached to the child hood traumas. Lucas also helped me with negative thought patterns that were driving my cancer in the wrong direction. He recommended two books that I have already started and their both totally in alignment with the content we discussed. I am so thankful for Lucas Bergendahl and can’t wait to see how things in my life transform and evolve after working with him. I am truly grateful!!!”

“The way Lucas has helped me is indescribable. He’s been giving me pieces of a puzzle that I really needed and his trustworthy, peaceful and loving presence makes taking in what’s happening during our sessions so much easier. These pieces he has given me has helped me tremendously with my to my puzzle of healing and growth. His kind soul is here to help and I am beyond grateful for what he’s been able to do for me. It’s pure magic and nothing less!”

“Lucas is an empathetic and caring teacher. You can feel that everything he teaches come from a deep place within his soul. Plus it always helps my pain when he sends me energy healing.
All the best to Lucas.”

“Første gang jeg mødte Lucas var hos en fælles veninde, hvor Lucas skulle kommunikere med vores hunde. Jeg var lidt skeptisk, men så det bare som en hyggelig eftermiddag.
Da Lucas gik i gang lå de tre hunde fuldstændigt stille. De plejer ellers at futte rundt og hoppe lidt op og ned fra sofaen, ville ud i haven osv., men det var som om de var dybt koncentrerede.
Lucas fortalte en masse ting om hundene og det ramte meget præcist i forhold til hver enkelt. Det var en super interessant oplevelse.
Om aftenen, da jeg skulle i seng, så sad min hund ret op og ned på min hovedpude meld store, meget åbne øjne. Det har han ALDRIG gjort før, ikke én eneste gang. Ret rituelt lægger han sig i benenden af sengen og er meget lidt snaksalig. Men denne aften var han helt anderledes. Han blev siddende, lysvågen, mens jeg læste en halv times tid og også efter jeg slukkede lyset. Først da jeg faldt i søvn, listede han ned i benenden, hvor han plejer at sove.
Jeg har mødt Lucas flere gange siden og føler mig beriget af både venskab og visdom.
Jeg kan varmt anbefale kærlige og indsigtsfulde Lucas til både dyr og mennesker.”

“Jeg kontaktede Lucas da jeg havde brug for at få gået i dybden med tidligere karmiske hændelser fra tidligere liv. Lucas er meget hjælpsom af sind og sjæl. Og undervejs tjekkede han ind på en. En følelse af at man bliver passet på. For eksempel at beskeder bliver overleveret på den “rigtige” måde, så jeg som modtager kunne bruge informationerne brugbart og konstruktivt. Og om budskaberne skulle pakkes ind eller forklares direkte. For mig var det en utrolig behagelig måde at komme igennem sektionen på. Ikke kun snakkede vi om karmiske hændelser. Men også hvilken værktøjer jeg personligt skal brug for at opløse dem. Den fulde effekt af de værktøjer og de områder jeg skal arbejde er først lige sat igang. Men det er tydligt at se, at det er de helt rigtige for min karmiske opløsnings proces. Lucas giver sig tid, til alt det der skal komme igennem, kommer igennem og gives videre. Jeg vil gerne takke dig for din hjælp, tilstedeværelse og den tid du tog dig. Du har min varmeste anbefalinger.”

Coco Thomassen
“Our 3 year old Havanese Bichon Mix would go crazy every time she saw a cat. She would bark till she ran out of breath and chase the cat all around town. It was terrible for everyone.
We contacted Lucas to give it a shot. Not necessary thinking the issue could be totally fixed, but out of desperation we searched for a solution.
Now we are staying in Greece: the country of cats, and our dog don’t mind them at all. She actually shares her food with the wild cats.
It’s amazing! Such a HUGE shift.
Forever grateful for the help that Lucas provided. We all are, both the owners, the neighbours, the dog and the cats.
No matter if you are new or experienced in communication with animals without words, if you believe in telepathy or not, let Lucas communicate with your pet and good things will happen for sure.”

“You are such a great gift to humanity Lucas.”

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